Thursday, July 28, 2011

Want a Job?

I was thinking about the employment situation in our fine country. Just so we are clear:

If you are unemployed, you will have a hard time finding work because there aren't many new jobs.

There aren't any new jobs because there is little job growth in this country.

There is little job growth in this country because of all the regulations (See: Big government) and the lack of consumer demand for products that aren't inexpensive (See:China).

Since you have less or little money to spend on anything because you are on a limited income or unemployment (since you can't find a job), you become thrifty in your spending and may purchase less expensive, imported products.

When you buy imported products, you further deflate demand for services and products built in this country further slowing the creation of new jobs.


If you are unemployed, you will have a hard time finding work because there aren't many new jobs.

So, be aware that companies like Walmart (92% imported goods) are the ones keeping you from long term prosperity and employment. It is a circle.

When you are a skilled worker and are on unemployment, the rate of pay may not (almost surely not) be enough for you to live on.

If you choose to do side work "for cash" to supplement your unemployment benefits, you are able to do skilled labor more cheaply then others in your field since you don't have a license, insurance, or pay any taxes.

If you take potential jobs away from tax paying legitimate employers in your field, those employers decrease their staff and do no new hiring.

When employers do no new hiring, you have a harder time gaining employment, since employers have lost their potential work to people working "for cash" because those people can do the work for a lesser charge.


When you are a skilled worker and are on unemployment, the rate of pay may not (almost surely not) be enough for you to live on.

But, what are you supposed to do?  

Maybe we should start by buying American and using our money to reinvest in our own country like our parents and grandparents did.


  1. Imported good are inexpensive, Domestic market should respond with attractive pricing.

  2. I agree with you.

    There's where the problem lies, though. Many domestic companies cannot produce goods at an attractive price because the American worker assumes that they deserve a very high rate of pay (and now health benefits, too) for even a very simple or unskilled task. Look at what many union employees earn (especially union state employees) for the very limited work and range of skill that they have.

    Aside from that, American companies are burdened with endless rules and regulations of operation. There are 3000+ pages of tax code American businesses need to follow. The American government has NOT made America a very good place to do business. The public opinion that the rich and "big companies" need to carry the tax burden for all people further increases the price of domestic products. So, in many ways, we are victims of our own creation.

    Reduced overhead (via reduced taxes, realistic wages and benefits, etc...)for American companies translates into a less expensive goods (and still probably higher quality) and financial support of our own economy.

    Keep in mind that in our parents' and grandparents' say, people SAVED to buy a television (and many of them were made in the USA). Then, if their television broke, they got it repaired. In our time, we buy the televison on creit (from China) and if it breaks, we throw it away and buy a new one (from China).

  3. Being born in America is kind of like being born retarded: We didn't have any choice, but people still make fun of us.

    *picks nose and starts giggling because his booger looks like an asteroid.*
